Monday, March 12, 2012

We're safer than houses

If I wasn't such a prim and proper blogger I would have titled this post, "the big erection" but I think that might have resulted in unwanted and undesirable traffic :)
ANYWAY, as you can see we have erected, er, put up, some handy scaffolding. Lyndon had been teetering on a ladder and it just wasn't going to do. Thankfully he could borrow this from his work.
Guess who helped him put it together?
Yes, your truly.
When we got to the bit where that platform had to be lifted into place he had the cheek to say, "this is where you need two blokes".
Well, I'll be!
I got up there and darn-well got that darn-heavy platform in place. One bloke and one strong, capable woman will do just fine, thank you very much!
So, you might be able to see Lyn has pulled off some boards that covered the edges of the tin. They'll need replacing. Originally Lyn thought he'd replace the tin too, but I'm happy to say we'll paint it and see how it goes. Then we have to tackle that big window :)
How was your weekend? I did so much gardening, mostly weeding, that I discovered muscles I didn't know I had! Ouch.


  1. It's terrific to see this unfolding Sarah and such a wonderful record for you both in the future.

    I hope your day will include a nice long soak in a bath of Epsom salts to soothe those sore muscles.


  2. It is so very much safer as Top would have been able to testify! Similar job decided he just needed a chair to stand broken wrist later he used scaffolding ever after!!!!
    I agree with Felicity Epsom salts is what you need!

  3. Exciting stuff. Ha, ha and well done on putting up that scaffold. Although I often have the opposite gripe with Rob, he expects me to be as strong as him, and when I'm struggling to hold up my end of the washing machine he gets grumpy! Hmph. We needed that scaffold we've been recoating the timber on the outside of the hut and couldn't quite reach the top!

  4. He, he, I would have been too chicken to title the post that way to.
    Yay for your scaffolding! Remembering the little hissy fit everyone on The Block had about having to erect their own scaffolding I think you should be commended.
    Also, just wanted to let you know I often stop by your blog though rarely have time to comment these days. Just wanted you to know I do visit regularly.

  5. Well done Sarah! You guys are way smarter than us! It is so much safer than a dodgy extension ladder.

    I'm just glad all the high painting work is over with no injuries. Happy painting! xx

  6. good to see he was a sensible boy, made it easier for him too. i did some more paving, getting to enjoy it more and more.

  7. Great that Lyn had access to that scaffolding and much safer :) Gardening sounds lovely, it's still WAY too hot over here for that but I'm itching to get planting in our garden!

  8. What a big job! It will look amazing when it is done! Happy week! x

  9. Ha! No wonder you were mentioning your sore muscles yesterday! I can't wait to see the end result. J x

  10. Ah yes, the old girls vs boys debate. Don't get me started Sarah, but as you know, often it pays to just get on and do the job yourself! Could you come and take a look at my garden? The weeds are in control. xx

  11. You've missed a great opportunity to attract all sorts of weirdoes to your blog Sarah, a title like "our huge erection" would have been perfect. Nonetheless, it's impressive. Happy renovating, love Posie

  12. lol.. the big erection, that would have been funny. Everything is coming along so nicely. I am so excited for you!!


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