(Some old pics from the kiddy album. Me and my pony Georgie, with my sister Rachael and with Dad on a random horse) |
Howdy friends,
Some of you may have been seen some other bloggers write an A to Z about them recently. I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and join in.
A // Age: 40 No point denying it.
B // Bed size: Queen. Which is fine unless you have to share it with a certain furry kid who likes to take up more than her fair share.
C // Chore that you hate: Dusting. I am rather good at not seeing dust and conveniently blame my short-sightedness.
D // Dogs: Do I really need to answer this? Molly of course! Though sometimes I’m convinced she is not a dog.
E // Essential start to your day: Without doubt a cup of tea. White and one sugar. I like to get up early so I can relax and not rush first thing. That's not fun.
(Christmas time, me on another pony and riding the whale in the kiddy pool - do the local readers remember that whale at the Clarence pool?) |
F // Favourite colour: Blue. Always has been. I love all shades of blue.
G // Gold or Silver: Both. I have a good deal of each and just rotate. Sometimes I match jewellery with the metal of my watch, other times I just don’t worry.
H // Height: 165 cm
I // Instruments you play: Piano, badly. At high school I also played the clarinet and drums. That was funny. Not exactly Animal from the Muppets, but I did enjoy it.
J // Job title: I’m an art gallery co-ordinator. I wrangle artists (like herding cats) and organise exhibitions and events.
K // Kids: Just the furry one.
L // Live: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. I have no inclination to change that - Hobart is a great place to live, though would be even better if Ikea decided to open up down here.
M // Mother’s name: Jan
N // Nicknames: Sar Bear. When I was little my parents called me Sarah Snake. Hmm…strange…
O // Overnight hospital stays: The only one was for an operation on my heart valves at the age of 1.5 years. I have a huge scar from my left side that runs underneath my shoulder blade. You can see little old me in hospital in one of the old pics below.
(With sister Rachael, after my surgery, cuddling a dalmation pup and on another pony!) |
P // Pet peeve: I have a lot of these… rude drivers, parents that swear at children, cruelty to animals…
Q // Quote from a film: No one puts Baby in the corner (Dirty Dancing). I can watch that movie over and over, along with Chocolat.
R // Right or left handed: Right
S // Siblings: One very nice sister who is 18 months younger than I. Hi Rachael :)
T // Time you wake up: Always early. Anytime from 5am, but generally 5.30 – 6.30am.
U // Underwear: Good ol’ Bonds hipsters or boylegs. Comfort (and a splash of colour) is the key.
V // Vegetable you hate: I know this is terrible for a vegetarian, but I cannot tolerate mushrooms. I like the look of them but that’s it! Ugh, the smell of them cooking and their fleshy texture totally creep me out.
W // What makes you run late: Generally nothing. I am a stickler for being on time.
X // X-Rays you’ve had: Lots – teeth, chest, arms, brain (when I had concussion after my ladder fall).
Y // Yummy food that you make: Gosh, I don’t know. I don’t bake a bad cake.
Z // Zoo animal: How to choose? I adore them all in one way or another, but am always transfixed by the baby elephants and giraffes.
I hope I haven't bored you all to death but if you haven't done and A to Z on your blog, I'd love to read it if you did. I'm a bit of a sticky beak!